Tales From the Mat: Dharma Studio (Classes 1 & 2)

It’s been a while since my first, and only, class at YogaSource Los Gatos. I won’t make any excuses, but I will tell you that I finally broke down and joined 24 Hour Fitness two weeks ago to get back into spinning, and I’ve been going to three classes per week so far.

While I’ve definitely been focusing my efforts on the gym lately, I haven’t given up on yoga just yet. My intent was to check out a class at the gym, though gym yoga isn’t really my favorite, and also to get myself back to YogaSource. Well, that all went out the window when I was having coffee with a new friend last week. She’s also a yoga newbie and has been studio shopping too. She had just purchased a LivingSocial deal for 30 days unlimited at a Dharma Studio in Santa Clara, and before you could say “namaste,” I whipped out my iPhone and bought one too. I have a problem. Continue reading